Children of Earth: Day Five

By Mark
Episode Title: Day Five

Duration: 58 minutes and 18 seconds

Written by: Russell T Davies

Directed by: Euros Lyn

Transmission Date: 10th July 2009

Ratings: 6.58 million

Synopsis: Torchwood is defenceless and Gwen Cooper stands alone, as the final sanction begins, in the last part of the new Torchwood adventure. As violence erupts and the world descends into anarchy, an ordinary housing estate becomes a battleground, where the future of the human race will be decided.

Cast List: Captain Jack Harkness - John Barrowman
Gwen Cooper - Eve Myles
Rhys Williams - Kai Owen
Lois Habiba - Cush Jumbo
Alice Carter - Lucy Cohu
Mr Dekker - Ian Gelder
Steven Carter - Bear McCausland
Bridget Spears - Susan Brown
John Frobisher - Peter Capaldi
Colonel Oduya - Charles Abomeli
Johnson - Liz May Brice
Brian Green PM - Nicholas Farrell
Denise Riley - Deborah Findlay
Andy Davidson - Tom Price
Anna Frobisher - Hilary Maclean